Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blast and Fun

A friend of mine named Lisa was on her birthday a couple days ago. She picked me and 2 other friends to have lunch today. 5 kinds of seafood and we had a plenty of pleasures in seafood restaurant near a beach in Jakarta. Daaaangggg! I've gained my weight :( Terribly guilty! Need to reduce 17 pounds by exercising soon!!! But I'm gonna be in period so I eat too much >.<
We also sailed around by a boat (the traditional one) and took a lot of picts. I just have few and the rest is on their phones. Did some ridiculous things and laughed my ass off! haha

She is whom I'm talkin about :) Oh funny thing left, the restaurant has a present for those who are having a birthday and they will sing you a happy birthday song. My friend told to the servant that she was having a birthday to get the present by herself. lol! Sounds like pity of her :P

Sorry,no pict of the food cause I forgot to take it :(


I am gettin fatter :(

They did a scandal! :P

Ari wanted to copy Jack Dawson's style in Titanic without Rose definitely cause none of us wanted to be his Rose. lol!

P.S : Am I gettin fatter? :( Please leave a comment!