Monday and Tuesday were boring.I had to attend the class observing at my workplace.Just sat down among about the 4th grades class and took a look how the teacher managed the class.They looked at me like I'm a strange.haha.I sat beside a talkative 9 years girl.She always tried to seek attention from the teacher.She asked me once,"What is your name Miss?" It was cute the way she talked.I said,"I'm Cristine :)" She's the smartest I think.That's the first.
Before the class over, another girl asked me in Indonesian,"Kelas berapa?"(What grade are you?) I was,"What?!" lol.She considered me that I was a student too. Then I answered that I'm in college already.She looked a lil confused and probably shame.haha.Do I look like a 4th grades or kids?haha.Or I'm the stupid one!It was happened on Monday.
Tuesday,the second class observing and the first turn to teach briefly.That was kindergarten class.I had to do much effort to attract them to be very active.I was speechless and everything's going spontaneously.Fortunately,each student could accept me.
Honestly,I miss my pleasure time at home :( I'll have been busy by this work.But it's the risk that I must take it.Ganbatte Cristine! :) Genki de ne!