I had to wake up at 5am whereas I just could sleep last night at 1am. Then I went at 7am,arrived at 10am. At the bus, there was an old lady and she always talked anything. Made us dizzy while we were hungry. She wanted me to be introduced to her nephew.I was 'What?!' then I more shocked when she told that the man is already 35!!! Double of 'What?!' lol. Even if the man still 27,I don't want him! She insisted a little on me.lol. Well I said I didn't want to her.
I hadn't got a breakfast until arrived in Bandung. I was starving!!!lol. Me and my friend got something to eat first. After ate, we were starving again!!!buuuutttt in shopping.haha. Started to hunt clothes,bought a cake, and took pics anywhere :p I got 2 cute dresses and 1 short pants-->BEST BUY!!! I only paid it about 25.000rupiahs or 25$. I love,I love,I love it!:) Unfortunately,I missed a cute dress that I saw 3 weeks ago :( It's sold out! For you can imagine,it's a V-neck strippes colorful summer dress. It looks cute and fun :( O well,means that it's not for mine :(
After shopped, we had lunch at Ampera. Ampera is one of the famous restaurant in there.
We came back to home at 5pm and arrived in Jakarta almost at 8pm.
Here some pics ;)
sweet capture right? :p
Playing at fitting room :D
Cute clothes,aren't they? BEST BUY PINK-STRIPPES SHORT! :)

Well that's enough for today! I have to wake up early again cause tomorrow's school starts again :(