God! You are such a great creator in this world :) I'm speechless and you can see how I adore and proud to the exotic Indonesia from the pics below. Wish I would go to another gorgeous beach specially Bunaken sea. I will do diving or snorkeling on there :)
this beach is clearer than below
well,I love this capture most :)
that's my name.lol!
small coral reefs
sea urchin
traditional house of those inhabitant
Well,there's more another beauty of Indonesia and my next trip is Bunaken or Lombok. Who will accompany me? :)
Hhhhh.. It's been so long that I haven't met my besties and finally I met her two days ago and we hung out together. We've been a bestfriend for 9 years already. I was a lil surprised with her appearance. She looks fatter. But I don't care ;) She always be the best friend that I've ever had.
Janet and me
I like her on this pic :) Looks cute
Pancake that I ate for :)Such a great pancake had made me addicted
Fountain Water show
Then we had a dinner with my mom and lil bro at Japanese Restaurant (Otooya)
Oyakodonand it tasted delicious :) Rice with half ripe eggs+grilled chicken,cold tofu,and the soup(I don't like the soup,it tasted weird)
Janet,me,Mom,and Yoshua(my lil bro)after eating
Well,it was a great day!:) Love ya sista :) Bubye ;)
Yesterday after school then hung out with some friends cause one of them wanted to invite us for eating pizzas. Almost evening while I was waiting for my mom to pick me back home,I decided to go my friend's house. She said that she would take me to eat snake. It heard so 'yikes!' for me at first. My friend said,if you were a beginner to eat snake then you better eat the fried one. But the best for your health is snake's blood. It will keep your skin looks good even more. Well I never drink any animal's blood and I don't have any courage with it. I always scared of blood even it's a fake at all. When we got to the place,they had 2 menus of snake. Fried and soup. I chose fried and shared with my friend. When it had come, the looks like chicken's neck and also the taste. Delicious! :) People behind us ate the soup then my friend told me to see the soup. Automatically I put back my eyes on my food and tried to not think any that I was eating is a snake. The soup has red water and it would be clearer to see the snake's shape. Black and disgusting! I kept my mind focus on the food that I ate.haha. After finished,I bought some to take home for mom,dad,and my lil bro. Sorry that I forgot to take the pic :( But I'm really sure,fried snake is not too bad to eat for. Well,that's all. Hope to post another as soon as possible cause I'm a lil bit dizzy with assignment. Gees! See ya! ;)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Crap!Today was terrible! I got Grammar class and I love Grammar since on the first term. But now,how unlucky I am,I got a damn lecturer. How could I say it? She's so coquettish. She likes to seek an attention from my boyfriends in the class and also care about them. When every girls wanted to ask something to her,she didn't give a good response. I wish she would be changed. After the class, I went to mall then ate with my friend. Anyway,I'll show you a pic of frozen yoghurt that I ate :)
Plain yoghurt with oreos,mochis,and chocolate caviars :p
That's it! :) Actually I just want to share how disappointed I am today. Sayonara! ;)
This morning at 10:00am got so bored and wanted some fun to do. Then I phoned my friends to go to somewhere. Had no idea and suddenly I thought about Dufan. Cause Dufan is giving 50% discount to get in during Ramadan.hehe. FYI,today Jakarta faced the earthquake and the shiver about 7,2 Richter scale. When the earthquake came, I was on Tornado. LOL! I could feel more Tornado's shiver than the earthquake XD. Well you'll see what Tornado is on the pics below. Well,I won't tell anymore,just see some pics! ;)